Panna Adorjáni is a theatre thinker, performance maker, and interdisciplinary artist. She is a dramaturg and theatre studies expert by training, but she considers her twelve years of classical music education to be formative as well. She signed her first theatre contract when she was 16 years old, performing as a violinist in a show; since then, she has worked in a variety of theatre-related jobs. She has worked as a critic and editor, as a dramaturg, as a director’s assistant, as a prompter, as a musician, as a composer, as a festival organiser, as an interpreter, as a translator, as a performer, as a theatre maker, and as a workshop and seminar presenter. She is currently concentrating on her PhD and working in collaborative settings. She is intrigued by the possibilities for reconciling theory and practice, as well as the ways in which theatrical hierarchies could be reconsidered in order to generate horizontal and interdisciplinary processes. Her PhD research focuses on patterns of collective creation in Romanian and Hungarian underground theatrical cultures prior to the regime change.
©Tamás Márkos